Thinking Moves Resources

Dr. Ron Ritchhart, Principle Investigator and Senior Research Associate for Harvard's Project Zero, spoke at Richland on Wednesday October 14, 2015. His work for Project Zero focuses on teaching for understanding, the development of intellectual character, creative teaching, making students' thinking visible, and most recently the development of school and classroom culture.
Dr. Ritchhart spoke to general audiences, including students at 1:00 and 2:00 PM and followed with a session for DLP faculty at 3:00
You can access videos and his powerpoint presentation at the links below.
2:00 General Session Video
3:00 DLP Session Video
Dr. Ritchhart returned to Richland on Thursday, September 22, 2016. He engaged faculty in discussions focused on Thinking Moves and The Culture of Thinking. You can access videos of these sessions at the links below:
Morning- Lunch -
Afternoon -
Dr. Ritchhart used a number of resources during his presentations. You can download and prints these files: Understanding Map 8 Forces That Shape Culture 6 Key Principles Of The Cultures Of Thinking Project tucovieira_parasaipolis